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We Are Dedicated to Lifelong Learning

CPD stands for continuing professional development and it is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities.

We believe that learning is an ongoing lifetime experience for therapists. Even when fully qualified practitioners still need the opportunity to keep up to date with specialist approaches and developments in the profession. Our CPD programme is the way we provide this support for you.

UKCP registrants require 250 CPD hours over each five years of their registration with a minimum of 20 hours in any one year. Students and trainees do not have a CPD hours requirement until qualified.

We provide regular one and two day workshops and seminars and distance learning courses to complete at your own pace (and on a variety of subjects). These are continuously reviewed and updated based on feedback from attendees and the changing professional landscape.

Content is created and delivered by specialist tutors and members of our academic team. All current students, alumni and members of the National Society of Talking Therapies are notified of forthcoming training events.

You can browse our CPD offerings here and book onto one of the courses to help satisfy your CPD requirement or just because like us, you love to learn.

Live Training – In-Person and Via Zoom

Dreaming on Purpose
Exploring the Inner Landscapes Through Psychotherapeutic Dreamwork


Course Details
Working with Cancer Patients
Learn to work confidently and effectively when clients have a cancer diagnosis with field Ludwig Esser.


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Working Safely, Effectively and Confidently with Trauma
Working Safely, Effectively and Confidently with Trauma


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Working With Anxiety
Build Your Confidence and Competence Working With Anxiety


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Working Successfully with Parts
Working successfully with parts with David Corr.


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Online Training – Self-Study

Tokophobia and Birth Trauma - Online
Assist clients to experience freedom from fear of conception, pregnancy or traumatic birth experience


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Academic Writing for Therapists
Sharpen your skills, build confidence and get the most out of your academic writing.


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Certificate in Online Therapy
An online self-study course to build this way of working into your toolkit for the digital age.


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Practice Building
Providing you with all the tools needed to build or grow the private practice you dreamed of.


Course Details