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The Dates of All the Stages You Need for Your Pathway

Stage dates The National College of Hypnosis & Psychotherapy

Our training takes place at weekends in London, Manchester and Oxford, each training day starts at 10am and ends at 5pm.

We keep this page constantly up to date. If there is any change to course dates we will inform you and if you are unable to attend any of the modules on your stage you can catch up at a different venue or the next time that module runs in your location.

In the event you can’t attend please inform us in advance if possible and we can advise you on your options to complete that module.

You can repeat any module you wish (at a reduced cost) subject to space being available on that particular module. Again if you want to repeat any module please contact us.

Your student E-book provides more details of your venue (which can also be seen in the locations menu) with a selection of accommodation, travel and food options.

We look forward to seeing you.

Stage 1 Dates

LocationModule 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5
London (FULL)CompleteComplete28-29th September 202426-27th October 202423-24th November 2024
Manchester Complete12-13th October 202416-17th November 20247-8th December 202411-12th January 2025
London 5-6th October 20242-3rd November 20247-8th December 202418-19th January 202515-16th February 2025
London26-27th April 202524-25th May 202521-22 June 202512-13th July 202530-31st August 2025

Stage 2 Dates

LocationModule 6Module 7 (online via Zoom)Module 8Module 9Module 10 Module 11Module 12 (online via Zoom)Module 13
LondonComplete19-20 October 202416-17 November 202421-22 December 202418-19 January 20258-9 February 202515-16 March 202512-13 April 2025
London14-15th December 202425-26th January 202522-23rd February 202522-23rd March 202426-27th April 202517-18th May 202528-29th June 202526-27th July 2025
Manchester 15-16th February 20258-9th March 202512-13th April 202510-11th May 202514-15th June 202512-13th July 20259-10th August 202513-14th September 2025
London 15-16th March 202512-13th April 202517-18th May 202514-15th June 202519-20th July 202516-17th August 202513-14th September 202511-12th October 2025
London27-28 September 202525-26 October 202529-30 November 202520-21 December 202524-25 January 202621-22 February 202621-22 March 202625-26 April 2026

Stage 3 Dates

LocationModule 14 (online via Zoom)Module 15 Module 16 (online via Zoom)Module 17Module 18 (online via Zoom)Research Methods Part 1 (online via Zoom)Research Methods Part 2 and 3 (online via Zoom)
London CompleteCompleteCompleteCompleteComplete29 January 20255-6 April 2025
London CompleteComplete5-6 October 20242-3 November 20247-8 December 202429 January 20255-6 April 2025
Manchester12-13 October 20249-10 November 202414-15 December 202411-12 January 20258-9 February 202530 April 20255-6 July 2025
London23-24 November 202414-15 December 202425-26 January 202522-23 February 202529-30 March 202530 April 20255-6 July 2025
London17-18 May 202514-15 June 202519-20 July 202516-17 August 202520-21 September 202528 January 20264-5 April 2026
London16-17th August 202520-21st September 202518-19th October 202515-16th November 202513-14th December 202528 January 20264-5 April 2026
Manchester 11-12th October 202515-16th November 202520-21st December 2025 17-18th January 202621-22nd February 202629 April 20264-5 July 2026
London 15-16th November 202513-14th December 202517-18th January 202614-15th February 202614-15th March 202629 April 20264-5 July 2026
London30-31 May 202627-28 June 202625-26 July 202529-30 August 202626-27 September 202627 January 202710-11 April 2027

Stage 4 Dates

Module (Access Given)Tutorial 1 (online via Zoom)Tutorial 2 (online via Zoom)Tutorial 3 (online via Zoom)Tutorial 4 (online via Zoom
Belonging, Inclusion, Intersectionality, Diversities and Equity4 October 20249 November 202421 December 20241 February 20251 March 2025
Human Development and Sexuality 28 March 202526 April 202524 May 202528 June 202526 July 2025
Psychopathology 1 August 202513 September 202525 October 202522 November 2025N/A