The Value of Your Accreditation Aligns With Ours
Your core academic team holds HEA fellowship hence our educational framework is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for the higher education sector setting out the knowledge, skills and behaviours demonstrated by those teaching and/or supporting higher education learning.
Without statutory registration for our profession we choose external accreditation very carefully and map our courses onto accrediting frameworks to ensure you graduate with exactly what you need to succeed.
First accredited in 1993, we continue to add to the organisations validating our courses. We align ourselves only with organisations having meaningful accreditation powers that can be trusted.
We offer you the most important credentials in the profession, this ability been hard won and we protect it for the benefit of both us and you.
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
We believe UKCP accreditation is the gold standard in UK psychotherapy, that’s why it’s the key endorsement in our portfolio. The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), formerly the United Kingdom Standing Conference for Psychotherapy formed in 1989 with the aim of providing psychotherapy with agreed common training standards and ethical requirements.
UKCP now comprises over 70 organisations (including us) and in May 1993 it launched its National Register of Psychotherapists alongside training and ethical standards requirements for member organisations. Our training programme is regularly reviewed to meet UKCP requirements and their ethical guidelines are enshrined within our code of ethics.
UKCP accreditation opens doors to many valuable professional opportunities such as the panels of major health insurers such as BUPA, AXA and AVIVA.
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
Once you have completed Stage 2 of the course you are eligible to register as a member of CNHC.
CNHC is the UK voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners established with government support to protect the public by providing a voluntary register of complementary therapists. Their register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.
All registered practitioners can use their quality mark demonstrating commitment to professionalism and high standards. The public and those who commission the services of complementary healthcare practitioners can therefore choose with confidence.
This membership also provides access to professional registers which are often the first port of call for people looking for a therapist.
European Association for Hypno-Psychotherapy
The National College is a founder member of the European Association for Hypno Psychotherapy (EAHP). The EAHP is a non-profit organisation aiming to unite national hypno-psychotherapy training institutes and national hypno-psychotherapy organisations into a common association for Europe.
The intention of the EAHP is the realisation of a Europe-wide accrediting organisation for hypno-psychotherapy within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) in Vienna, Austria (of which the National College is a member).
The EAP represents some 200 psychotherapy organisations (including 16 national umbrella organisations) and 12 EWOs (Europe-wide organisations representing various psychotherapeutic approaches). It aims to establish psychotherapy as an independent profession within Europe and, to this end, has created the European Certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP).
The intention behind the ECP is the mutual recognition and equal conduct of various branches of psychotherapy throughout Europe. The EAHP anticipates that membership of EAP as an EWO would help consolidate our own discipline of hypno-psychotherapy within Europe and facilitate the award of the ECP to those suitably qualified.
The National Council for Hypnotherapy
The National Council for Hypnotherapy holds one of the largest registers of independent Hypnotherapists in the United Kingdom and strives to maintain the highest standards among its members. Completion of our Certificate in Hypno-Psychotherapy or Certificate in Hypno-Psychotherapeutic Counselling (CHP or CHPC) entitles you to register with the NCH. There is an agreed Code of Conduct, an established Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure and all members are obliged to maintain comprehensive Public Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance.
University Access
Most British universities have systems whereby students who do not have a first degree are offered access to master’s degree courses on the basis of recognised non-degree qualifications and professional experience. We are recognised by the UKCP as having a master’s level of training and as such provide you with a good basis on which to approach universities with a view to studying at master’s level, or above.
Bath Spa University
We have an accreditation of prior learning (APL) arrangement with Bath Spa University on their Master’s programme . Our graduates with advanced diplomas can apply for an MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice with 60 APL Credits.
This leaves four modules and a dissertation as the University’s requirement for students to attain the MA; a valuable route to attaining a master’s degree in a relevant discipline.