The UKCP require a “post-graduate level of competence at outset of training” so we need to make sure that all students are capable of working to that level. This can be demonstrated in many ways, the most obvious is having a degree or a degree level qualification, but if you don’t, admission on to one of our pathways is still possible.
We recognise that many people without a formal first degree make excellent therapists in a profession where life experience is considered a definite asset. The National College therefore operates a system of recognising equivalent professional experience and a range of different qualifications if you don’t have a first degree.
If you are unsure about your entry qualifications, please feel free to contact us to talk to someone.
Once you have applied, we’ll interview you by telephone or video link, all our interviews are conducted with sensitivity to inclusivity and with an eye on our social responsibility as a training provider.
The interview gives us both a chance to ask and answer any questions and to help you decide which pathway is the best fit for you, we may ask you for references but we will discuss this with you.
In the interview, we assess your ability to study at the level required and your suitability for the training, it’s also an opportunity for you to get to know us.
Accreditation of Prior Learning
If you have qualifications in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, counselling or psychology, you may be entitled to dispensation for APL. This is considered on an individual basis and is dependent on the current rules of the Hypno-psychotherapy section of UKCP using established professional and QAA guidelines, if you think you may qualify please contact us to discuss.
The First Step
Please complete our contact form or contact us to begin your application, we look forward to working with you.