As part of your final stage on your pathway to UKCP accreditation with us you are required to participate in three blended learning modules and a self-study safeguarding module.
Whilst the safeguarding module can be taken at any point during your training and worked through at your own pace, the Belonging, Inclusion, Intersectionality, Diversities and Equity module, the Human Development and Sexuality module and the Psychopathology module run once per year and you will need to reserve a space on these.
In order to participate in these modules you need to have completed your training for Stage 2 and be working with clients, you may be finishing off some work for Stage 3, however we do recommend you join these modules once Stage 2 and 3 are complete.
Each module is divided into parts and at the end of each part you will be required to attend a tutorial day via Zoom. Please ensure that you are able to attend all tutorials upon signing up for the course.
The modules are made up of a number of components:
- Self-study content which you will be expected to work through each week and be responsible for further research around topics to broaden your knowledge.
- Contribution to an online forum – each week there will be one discussion point which you will be asked to consider within the discussion forum with your peers to deepen knowledge around a particular theme that you have been studying that week.
- Preparation for the tutorial – each week there will be tasks for you to consider in preparation for the tutorial, this could be to consider a fictional case study, prepare some discussion notes, read a paper or perhaps being prepared to lead a discussion.
- The tutorials – these will be a little different to the teaching you will have experienced through stages 1-3 as these are very much led by you with tutors being there to facilitate group exploration only. There will be tasks to discuss in breakout rooms and larger group discussions, there may be some presentations led by you. These are an opportunity for horizontal learning and for you to consolidate and deepen your knowledge whilst also becoming more aware of your own process in relation to the topics being explored.
- Assessment – there will be a range of assessments, some formative and some summative, more details are below in the specific module sections.
The Online Modules
Belonging, Inclusion, Intersectionality, Diversities and Equity (Blended Learning Module)
Hours of Study
- 45.5 Classroom hours over 4 parts (this includes the discussion forum and tutorial time not self-study time)
- Classroom contribution
- Group presentation (formative (does not count towards your grade))
- Self-Reflective Journal (summative (counts towards your end of module grade))
Next Course Dates:
Before booking please ensure that you are able to attend all 4 tutorial dates.
- Course access given – 4th October 2024
- Tutorial 1 – Saturday 9th November 2024 (online via Zoom 9.30am-5pm)
- Tutorial 2 – Saturday 21st December 2024 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
- Tutorial 3 – Saturday 1st February 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
- Tutorial 4 – Saturday 1st March 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am-5pm)
Human Development and Sexuality (Blended Learning Module)
Hours of Study
- 47 Classroom hours over 4 parts (this includes the discussion forum and tutorial time not self-study time)
- Classroom contribution
- Self-reflective discussions (Formative (does not count towards your end of module grade))
- Preparing psychoeducational material (Formative (does not count towards your end of module grade))
- Self-reflective journal (Summative (counts towards your end of module grade))
Next Course Dates:
Before booking please ensure that you are able to attend all 4 tutorial dates.
- Course access given – 28th March 2025
- Tutorial 1 – Saturday 26th April 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am-5pm)
- Tutorial 2 – Saturday 24th May 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
- Tutorial 3 – Saturday 28th June 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
- Tutorial 4 – Saturday 26th July 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am-5pm)
Psychopathology (Blended Learning Module)
Hours of Study
- 43.5 Classroom hours over 3 parts (this includes the discussion forum and tutorial time not self-study time)
- Classroom contribution
- Group presentation (summative (count towards your grade))
- Preparation of documentation for a fictional group practice (formative (does not count towards your grade))
- Submission of a media promotional/psychoeducational campaign (summative (counts towards your end of module grade))
Next Course Dates:
Before booking please ensure that you are able to attend all 3 tutorial dates.
- Course access given – 1st August 2025
- Tutorial 1 – Saturday 13th September 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am-5pm)
- Tutorial 2 – Saturday 25th October 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
- Tutorial 3 – Saturday 22nd November 2025 (online via Zoom 9.30am -5pm)
Safeguarding (Self-Study)
Hours of Study
- 10 hours
- Preparation of policies for private practice
- Scenario based assessments
Course Dates
- Anytime (self-study)