This policy is for any NCHP/NSTT member who (voluntarily or not) takes a break from practice and intends to return to work or training.
This policy does not cover those whose break results from a grievance or complaint or who allow NSTT registration to lapse.
We recognise that members may take breaks from work for many reasons, and we consider the circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
How is a break in practice defined?
A break in practice is any period when someone chooses to or cannot work clinically for three months or more.
Break in Practice Procedure:
Any member who takes a break from practice for three months or more must inform NCHP/NSTT and will be expected to re-contract with NCHP upon return to training to ensure agreement with current policies and procedures. In addition, there may be requirements, including further training, to assist in their return to practice.
Breaks between three and six months:
Any break between three and six months can conclude with a regular supervisor submitting a short report to say the member is fit to return to practice.
Breaks longer than six months:
These breaks also require a plan of CPD to make good any deficiency in terms of time absent, supported by the supervisor. This report does not need to be overly detailed but should address (if applicable) the reasons for the break.
Breaks more extended than twelve months:
Any break over twelve months will require a return to practice and restoration to the register application and process. For further details, please see the College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies (COOHP) – Application for Restoration to the Register after a Voluntary Break from Registration – Guidance notes.
This policy was ratified by The Academic Board on 16-5-22.