Titles and Descriptors:
- Upon completing the certificate stage (Stage 2), we recommend that you refer to yourself as a hypnotherapist.
- Upon completing the diploma stage (Stage 3), you can add the descriptor that you have additional psychotherapeutic training.
- Upon completing the advanced diploma course (Stage 4) and admission to the UKCP, you can use the descriptor of Hypno-psychotherapist or Integrative Psychotherapist.
Client Groups:
The NCHP trains people to work with individual adults, and therefore without supplemental training, students, trainees or graduates are not qualified to work with:
- Children (under 18)
- Couples
- Families
- Groups
Presenting Issues:
Without supplemental training, students, trainees and graduates are not qualified to work with:
- Clinical depression
- Anorexia
- Psychosexual disorders
- Psychosis
- Personality disorders
Avoidance of Doubt:
If you doubt your scope of competence or ability to work with someone or an issue, you must refer the matter to your supervisor for consideration.
Date of the last amendment to this document and ratification by The Academic Board – 16/5/22