NCHP Abide by the CPD policy of UKCP College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies (COOHP) which is outlined below
This document should be read alongside the UKCP Generic CPD Policy and Re-accreditation policy of COOHP and of NSTT.
Minimum practice
UKCP members are expected to undertake a minimum of 50 client hours per annum, if these hours are not met there is expected to be a reasonable explanation for this.
Hours of CPD
UKCP members are required to conduct a minimum of 250 hours of CPD over any five year period and a minimum of 20 hours in any one year. See below for information applicable in the case of breaks in practice. Acceptable CPD activities include:
Clinical supervision
Peer support groups
Professional qualifications or formal courses of study e.g. Masters degrees, PhD
Attendance at events such as:
- Conferences
- Workshops
- Webinars
Private study such as:
- Reading relevant books
- Research
Writing of:
- Articles
- Case studies
- Books
Watching relevant DVDs, online resources
Participation in profession-related work such as:
- Committee participation
- Attendance at professional gatherings
It is expected that a proportion of CPD will address the awareness of developments in contemporary thinking and best practice, particularly with regard to diversity and equality and members would be expected to provide evidence of reflective/reflexive practice.
There should be evidence of an appropriate range of CPD activities. It is up to the individual to determine the best mix for themselves as long as they can justify it. Each member needs to demonstrate a balance of activities which are applicable to their level of practice.
Normally registrants would be able to demonstrate a proportion of their activities via objective processes (eg certificates of attendance) and be able to justify the reason why they cannot if that is the case. Whilst we aim for as much flexibility as possible to accommodate different learning needs and styles we also recognise that in order to regulate practice UKCP will need evidence to support the claims by members.
Review of CPD
Your CPD will be reviewed at your five-yearly re-accreditation and possibly at your annual renewal by your OM (if you belong to one).