This category is for complaints from customers of NCHP arising from dissatisfaction with a product (e.g., course) or service level (e.g., response time). Complaints are made directly to the Complaints Officer, who may seek further clarification.
The NCHP is committed to providing a quality service and working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect. We continue to improve our service by listening and responding to the views of our customers, responding positively to complaints, and putting mistakes right.
Therefore, we aim to ensure that:
- Making a complaint is as easy as possible.
- We treat complaints as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service, which calls for a timely response.
- We deal with complaints promptly, politely, and, when appropriate, confidentially
- We respond in the right way, for example, with an explanation, an apology where we have got things wrong, and/or information on any action taken.
- We learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review annually our complaints policy and procedures.
We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally and dealt with quickly.
Our aims in those circumstances are to:
- Resolve informal concerns quickly.
- Keep matters low-key.
The formal complaints procedure ensures that we handle complaints fairly and consistently and (wherever possible) resolve them to the complainant’s satisfaction.
The NCHP’s responsibility will be to:
- Acknowledge any commercial complaint in writing.
- Respond within a stated period.
- Deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint; and
- Act where appropriate.
A complainant’s responsibility is to:
- Bring their complaint, in writing, to the NCHP’s attention generally within eight weeks of the issue arising.
- Raise complaints directly with The Complaints Officer.
- Explain the problem as clearly and thoroughly as possible, including any action taken to date.
- Allow the NCHP a reasonable time to deal with the matter.
- Recognise that some circumstances may be beyond the NCHP’s control.
The NCHP complaints processes are confidential. However, the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality (with each complaint judged on its facts). Should this be the case, we will explain it to the complainant.
The NCHP make written records at each stage of this procedure.
Stage 1
In the first instance, The Complaints Officer will establish the full details of the complaint. After that, an informal approach precedes the formal complaints procedure, which follows when concerns remain unresolved.
Stage 2
If the complaint remains unresolved after stage one, a formal complaint is necessary, and the following procedure invoked:
- A formal complaint can be made either verbally or in writing. If verbally, The Complaints Officer takes a statement.
- The Complaints Officer acknowledges the complaint in writing within seven days of receipt.
- The Complaints Officer investigates the complaint. As this process involves the NCHP’s products and service delivery, The Complaints Officer may speak to any relevant personnel. If necessary, The Senior Management Team or The Academic Board may reach a determination.
- We communicate the resulting decision to all parties involved and enact any requirements on our part.
- The complainant will receive a response based on the investigation within thirty days of the complaint. If this is not possible, we explain it to all parties involved.
Stage 3
- If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, they must present written grounds for appeal within fourteen days of receipt of it.
- A panel of The Senior Management Team and a lay member consider the appeal within twenty-one days of receipt of it.
- The Panel may wish to conduct further interviews and examine files/notes.
- The Panel will respond within thirty days and in writing, setting out their consideration process and findings.
- The Panel decision will be final.
This procedure does not affect the complainant’s statutory consumer rights.
The ‘Liability’ section of the current contract between the complainant and NCHP shall apply to this procedure.
The NCHP’s maximum liability to any complainant shall be limited to the total amount of the Tuition Fees payable by the complainant whilst enrolled on the current stage.
Date of the last amendment to this document and ratification by The Academic Board 16/5/2022