We have high expectations of ourselves in supporting you and delivering an excellent standard of academic and practical tuition. We try to make aure your experience is enjoyable, challenging, inspiring and rewarding.
With this in mind it is our commitment to you to always act in an ethical and responsible manner and to adhere to the following:
Our Commitment to Respect Equality and Diversity
We provide equal opportunities for staff and students, we embrace diversity and we are committed to a team and student body that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets. We believe that the more inclusive we are, the better our work and our results will be.
If you would like to read our full equality and diversity policy, you can find this in The Oracle.
What We Expect of You:
We expect you to familiarise yourself with our equality and diversity policy and to adhere to it.
Our Commitment to Confidentiality
All data collected and stored is treated in accordance with the relevant GDPR regulations which can be found in our privacy statement within The Oracle.
What We Expect of You:
The concerns or challenges of other students, client case studies and classroom discussion are to be treated in absolute confidence as this fosters a safe, accepting and trusting environment in which you can grow, explore and develop.
We expect you respect this policy and keep any information within the classroom environment.
Our Commitment to Support You when Study May be Interrupted
In order satisfy the requirement for classroom hours for our course you are required to achieve a minimum 80% attendance rate with the teaching of ethics being compulsory.
We understand however that sometimes there will be unforeseen circumstances which may lead to your ability to study being interrupted.
If this interruption is temporary your tutor (and if required our director of student experience) will be able to assess the effects of this with you and where possible, help you to catch up.
If you are unable to attend any weekend then you may attend an equivalent weekend at an alternative location (or your regular venue upon the next intake) without incurring any additional charge.
If the interruption is likely to be considerable and significantly impact the course of your studies then you may recommence at a future date.
What We Expect of You:
You are an adult learner and we will treat you as such. You have responsibility for your study and self-determination is an important factor.
We ask you to ensure your attendance at weekends, to inform us of any expected lack of attendance and to take responsibility for your home study requirements.
Our director of student experience will be available to support you through any difficulties which may affect your studies. We aim to empower you to achieve whilst expecting you to remain accountable for your own input requirements.
Our Commitment to Your Academic Progress
Our students arrive with varying degrees of academic experience and we take steps to support you if you encounter difficulty.
Any student who fails to achieve the level of competence required by our internal and external assessors may apply to be reassessed. Where it is decided that repeat tuition is desirable, it may be provided to an extent agreed upon by the academic board prior to your further submission.
What We Expect from You:
Currently you have five years from the beginning of your studies to complete your certificate and diploma and 7 years to complete your advanced diploma. In certain circumstances extensions can be offered by the director of student support and/or the academic board.
If requirements change due to our external accreditations we will expect students who have not completed their pathway before changes are implemented to complete these requirements as well as those in place at the start of their pathway.
Our Commitment to Financial Arrangements
On acceptance to the course you will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit of £250 which will secure your place and also cover module 1, for the rest of payment we offer a flexible payment scheme in which you may pay:
- The full pathway fees prior to your start date
- Fees for any stage prior to that stage’s start date
- Each stage’s fees in equal monthly instalments (with a non-returnable deposit before beginning)
If you experience difficulty with fees you should contact the director of student experience at the earliest opportunity to discuss.
If payment for any module is not made before you attend that module we reserve the right to refuse access to that module and any subsequent modules that are not paid for in advance.
If you withdraw from your pathway after completion of any live training, before completion of module 2 of Stage 1 (and subject to return of all course materials relevant to that stage) fees for the remainder of Stage 1 (not including non-refundable deposit) will be refunded. If you withdraw from your pathway after completion of modules 1 and 2 of Stage 1, the fees for Stage 1 remain payable in full. If you withdraw from training on Stage 2, 3 or 4 then the remaining fees for that Stage remain payable in full.
We offer you the opportunity to appeal any marking decision. If you choose to appeal there is a charge of £45 to cover administrative costs. If your appeal is successful (i.e. if a higher mark is awarded) then the administrative charge is refunded in full. If your appeal is unsuccessful then the charge is not refundable.
We recognise that you may be out of practice with academic work or lack confidence in your writing skills. For those who feel they need a little extra support, we can put you in touch with one of our teaching support team who can read and comment on a draft of any essay prior to formal submission for a fee of £25. This service can be helpful if you are newly returning to higher education.
We offer you the opportunity to repeat any module/s that you have previously attended (subject to there being space in the current class) for a fee of £250 per module.
What We Expect of You:
We expect you to honour your fee commitments in advance of the training and without reminder. If you do not honour your commitment to pay fees in advance (without extenuating agreement from the director of student experience) we reserve the right to withhold training, course results, academic references and/or progress to further training.
Our Commitment to Your Education
We ensure that our teaching materials are contemporary, relevant and of a consistently high standard and we regularly review and update those materials. We reserve the right to change parts of the training and/or teaching materials with the intent of improving our educational offering and service.
What We Expect of You:
The teaching materials with which you are provided are for your personal use and subject to copyright. You must not copy them, distribute them or use them for any purpose other than your own education or psycho-education within your client sessions.
Our Commitment to Ensuring Your Suitability to Return to Training
Should you take a break from your training pathway through our suggestion or your own choice it may be considered that you can rejoin your pathway at a later date, subject to break in practice and return to work policies. Should this happen, we will re-contract with you regarding around the existing expectations, requirements and policies of the College.
What We Expect of You:
That you keep up to date with existing policies surrounding training and practice and ensure that you are abiding by current NCHP policies.
Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement
We encourage feedback because we are constantly trying to grow and improve. At points on your pathway we will request feedback to control quality and develop both our academic and support services.
Any feedback you provide at any point during the course will be treated with respect and in line with GDPR regulations.
What We Expect of You:
We encourage constructive feedback and we expect you to respect us and your fellow students. We operate a zero tolerance policy towards abusive or bullying behaviour.
Our Commitment to Ensure Your Suitability for the Course
Our courses can be demanding and it is our responsibility to ensure your suitability for both the training and to work as a therapist. We see it as part of our role in supporting you to ensure that you are able to get the most out of your studies. In addition to the information you supply to us on your application form and within your informal interview, there will be continuous assessment throughout the course.
If we assess that continuing on your pathway is potentially detrimental or harmful to yourself or others, we reserve the right to inform you that we are not in a position to offer further tuition and to ask you to withdraw from training.
We reserve the right to request your withdrawal from training if you are seen to be engaging in gross clinical indiscipline or acting in any way which consistently disrupts the training.
Occasionally we may feel that it would be appropriate for you to seek personal therapy for something which is preventing either your progress, that of others, or both. In such an eventuality we will discuss this with you sensitively and we may accept you back into training at a later date once the issue has been worked through so that it no longer impacts on your training, that of others, or both.
In the event of being asked to withdraw from the course, all monies paid by you in fees for that particular stage of training will be refunded, subject to return of all course materials relevant to the particular stage.
Our careful selection of students ensures that very few are requested to withdraw.
What We Expect of You:
We expect you to observe our regulatory policies and to act professionally, responsibly and ethically as befitting a trainee therapist and respect the repute of the profession as a whole.
The Reason for These Agreements
By agreeing to the above we create a joint commitment with appropriate professional boundaries.
We believe that a climate of acceptance should exist between you and us and within which professional training and mutual respect can flourish.
We look forward to welcoming you on the above terms.