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The NCHP Training Facilities in Manchester

NCHP Manchester The National College of Hypnosis & Psychotherapy

In Manchester the National College Teaches at:


The Bridgewater Suite, Jury’s Inn, 56 Great Bridgewater St, Manchester M1 5LE


Follow the buttons below to find out more about dates and fees or to apply.

Your Tutors in Manchester Are:

Stuart Cale

Stuart has been a student, graduate, tutor, Vice-Principal and is now the sixth Principal of our college. Like all our tutors he is in clinical practice as a therapist (UKCP & BACP) and he is also a UKCP accredited supervisor. As an educator, Stuart holds fellowship of The Higher Education Academy and sits on the NCHP Academic Board, the Committee of The College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies within UKCP and the Executive Committee of The United Kingdom Council of Hypnotherapy Organisations where he is involved in policy relating to the profession as a whole.

Stuart can be reached a

Alan Greaves

Alan is another graduate of the College, a UKCP therapist and a senior lecturer in higher education.  A passionate educator and academic, Alan has published a number of research articles on PTSD and Post-Natal Depression. Chair of our academic board, he holds a National Teaching Fellowship and is a principal fellow of the HEA. Alan’s main therapeutic interests are in educational attainment and working with LGBT+ clients. He is a trustee of the Queer Notions and Michael Causer Foundation charities that work with LGBT+ communities on issues around mental health and well-being.

Alan can be reached at

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