We believe in making things as simple as they can be and we believe that high quality education should be affordable for everyone.
We offer you staged monthly payments with a one month deposit to secure your place. Because we limit our numbers in class and because of demand, this deposit system allows us to plan our intake accordingly and not deprive potential students of places.
Each training weekend is called a module, you pay for each module in advance of attending so each monthly payment is for the following module.
Your Investment
Your payment covers all taught elements on stages 1 to 4, including:
- Study materials we provide
- Tuition fees
- Assessment fees
- Accreditation fees
- Supervision on Stage 2
- Student services
- Access to online school
- Academic writing support (from October 2023)
- Comprehensive self-study practice building course designed by therapists for therapists
Costs do not include supervision and self-development hours on Stage 3 and 4 which will be variable.
Your Earnings
If you are on the pathway to becoming a hypno-psychotherapeutic counsellor or hypno-psychotherapist then you will be able to generate income as soon as you have your certificate on completion of Stage 2 (minimum 13 months) when you qualify as a hypnotherapist.
The costs of Stage 3 and Stage 4 can be offset against your earnings and your costs up to that point are therefore the combined cost of Stages 1 and 2
The ability to generate income during your study has been built into our pathways to make them more affordable and we try to minimise the financial demand on you whilst still delivering a class-leading educational package, our routes into UKCP registration and accreditation represent the best value in the market place.
The costs of the pathways broken down:
From October 2023
Fees for Pathway to CNHC Hypnotherapist (From October 2023)
The total cost of the pathway to CNHC (Stage 1 and 2) is £3575
This includes:
- 13 taught modules (11 face to face and 2 via Zoom)
- Access to our online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes,
- 6 week self study practice building course
- Bespoke academic writing course
- All assessment fees
- Certification fees
- Tutor and admin support
- Supervision for case study
£275 deposit is required upon acceptance and the remaining payment can be paid in full or over 13 monthly payments.
Fees for Pathway to UKCP Hypno-Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (From October 2023)
The total cost of the pathway to CNHC (Stage 1 and 2) is £3575
This includes:
- 13 taught modules (11 face to face and 2 via Zoom)
- Access to our online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes,
- 6 week self study practice building course
- Bespoke academic writing course
- All assessment fees
- Certification fees
- Tutor and admin support
- Supervision for case study
£275 deposit is required upon acceptance and the remaining payment can be paid in full or over 13 monthly payments.
Upon completion you can apply for CNHC registration and start earning income.
The total cost of Stage 3 is £2000
This includes:
- 5 taught modules (2 face to face and 3 online via Zoom)
- Research methods module which is split into 3 parts and delivered via blended learning
- Access to online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes and additional resources
- Tutor and admin support
- All assessment fees
- Certification
Stage 3 requires you to engage in supervision during your client-contact hours at a rate of one supervision hour to every six client hours on the way to gaining UKCP. Supervision rates are negotiable with your chosen supervisor and can be offset against ability to generate income after Stage 2.
You can pay for Stage 3 in a lump sum or you can choose to split the payment over 12 monthly installments.
The total cost of Stage 4 is £1500
This includes:
- 3 x blended learning modules (psychopathology, equalities and diversities, human development and sexuality (combination of self study, zoom tutorials, and online forums discussions))
- Self study safeguarding module
- Access to the online school (video lectures, demonstrations, extensive notes, additional resources)
- Tutor and admin support
- Assessments
- Encounter groups
- 1-2-1 progress tutorials
- 1-2-1 Zoom session to go through final progress log submission
- Psychological maturity viva
- Confirmation of eligibility to UKCP
Please note that stage 4 fees do not include supervision costs and costs incurred for self development and 30 additional classroom hours (which varies depending which optional modules are taken).
You can pay for stage 4 in a lump sum or you can choose to pay over 12 monthly instalments.
Fees for Pathway to UKCP Hypno-Psychotherapist (From October 2023)
The total cost of the pathway to CNHC (Stage 1 and 2) is £3575
This includes:
- 13 taught modules (11 face to face and 2 via Zoom)
- Access to our online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes,
- 6 week self study practice building course
- Bespoke academic writing course
- All assessment fees
- Certification fees
- Tutor and admin support
- Supervision for case study
£275 deposit is required upon acceptance and the remaining payment can be paid in full or over 13 monthly payments.
Upon completion you can apply for CNHC registration and start earning income.
The total cost of Stage 3 is £2000
This includes:
- 5 taught modules (2 face to face and 3 online via Zoom)
- Research methods module which is split into 3 parts and delivered via blended learning
- Access to online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes and additional resources
- Tutor and admin support
- All assessment fees
- Certification
Stages 3 requires you to engage in supervision during your client-contact hours at a rate of one supervision hour to every six client hours on the way to gaining UKCP. Supervision rates are negotiable with your chosen supervisor and can be offset against ability to generate income after Stage 2.
You can pay for Stage 3 in a lump sum or you can choose to split the payment over 12 monthly instalments.
The total cost of Stage 4 is £1750
This includes:
- 3 x blended learning modules (psychopathology, human development and sexuality, equalities and diversities (combination of self study, zoom tutorials, and online forums discussions))
- Self-study safeguarding module
- Access to the online school (video lectures, demonstrations, extensive notes, additional resources)
- Dissertation supervision
- Tutor and admin support
- Assessments
- Encounter groups
- 1-2-1 progress tutorials
- 1-2-1 Zoom session to go through final progress log submission
- Psychological maturity viva
- Confirmation of eligibility to UKCP
Please note that stage 4 fees do not include supervision costs and costs incurred for self development and 70 additional classroom hours (which varies depending on choice of modules)
You can pay for stage 4 in a lump sum or you can choose to pay over 12 monthly instalments.
Fees for Pathway to UKCP for Hypnotherapists (From October 2023)
The total cost of Stage 3 is £3250
This includes:
- 7 taught modules (3 face to face and 4 online via Zoom)
- Research methods module which is split into 3 parts and delivered via blended learning
- Access to online school with hours of video lectures, demonstrations, extensive course notes and additional resources
- Tutor and admin support
- All assessment fees
- Certification
Stages 3 requires you to engage in supervision during your client-contact hours at a rate of one supervision hour to every six client hours on the way to gaining UKCP.
You can pay for Stage 3 in a lump sum or you can choose to split the payment over 12 monthly instalments.
The total cost of Stage 4 is £1500 (hypno-psychotherapeutic counsellor) £1750 (hypno-psychotherapist)
This includes:
- 3 x blended learning modules (psychopathology, human development and sexuality and equalities and diversities (combination of self study, zoom tutorials, and online forums discussions))
- Access to the online school (video lectures, demonstrations, extensive notes, additional resources)
- Tutor and admin support
- Dissertation supervision
- Assessments
- Encounter groups
- 121 progress tutorials
- 1-2-1 Zoom session to go through final progress log submission
- Psychological maturity viva
- Confirmation of eligibility to UKCP
Please note that stage 4 fees do not include supervision costs and costs incurred for self development and additional classroom hours (which varies depending on modules chosen).
You can pay for stage 4 in a lump sum or you can choose to pay over 12 monthly instalments.