This is the Second stage of our training where you obtain your certification and which is required to progress to Stage 3, the diploma stage, Stage 2 is open to you when you have completed the Stage 1 weekends.
This stage is a comprehensive training based on the core principles of person-centred therapy as research demonstrates that it is the therapeutic relationship that is key to successful outcomes, we believe it is fundamental to the change process.
Your Certificate
When you complete Stage 2 you are awarded the Certificate in Hypno-Psychotherapy and you can use the designating letters CHP(NC), you are also eligible to apply to join the National Society of Talking Therapies as a Member.
The syllabus for this course requires you to attend over eight weekends at monthly intervals with practical and written assessment, in addition you undertake home study including formative and summative assessments.
During this stage emphasis is placed upon the application of the theory and practical skills, you will be presented with actual case histories and by means of class and group discussion, given the opportunity to apply your knowledge in the formulation of treatments.
As in Stage 1, there are demonstrations by tutors and plenty of practical sessions for you to try out the techniques yourself.
What You’ll Learn on Stage 2:
Stage 2 at a Glance:
Hours of Attendance:
- 127 over 8 weekends, supervision, case study and triad groups
Mode of Study:
- Face to face tuition
- Practical demonstrations
- Group practical exercises
- Self-study with a wide range of materials
- 1 x 3000 word essays
- Ethics paper
- Practical case study
- Formative assessments of triad work
- Formative assessment of case conceptualisation and treatment planning
- Continuous assessment by tutors
What Next?
- Successful completion results in being awarded the Certificate in Hypnosis and Psychotherapy CHP(NC)
- Ability to register with CNHC as a registered hypnotherapist
- Ability to register with NSTT
- Ability to start working as hypnotherapist
- Progression onto Stage 3