The National Society of Talking Therapies is the membership body of the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, which is an Organisational Member of the College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies, our College within UKCP.
As a training and accrediting Organisational Member, we both train and accredit our graduates to the UKCP register and can accredit those who have not trained through us.
All full clinical members of UKCP must undergo the re-accreditation process every five years to demonstrate and evidence some elements of how they practice as a psychotherapist or psychotherapeutic counsellor.
This procedure is a necessary process which exists:
- To underpin and promote reflective and informed practice and continuing professional development.
- To underpin and support best practice in a way that benefits practitioners and service users.
As your Organisational Member, this is a service we undertake for you, and we ask for your cooperation and diligence in this process. Your membership fees for NSTT pay for this service; therefore, we ask that you keep up with your membership fees so we can carry out this process efficiently.
We will contact you in January or February of the year your re-accreditation is due. All re-accreditations must be complete by October of that year. Therefore, we ask that all your documentation be submitted by the end of August at the latest. If you fail to respond to this, your UKCP membership will be at risk, so please ensure your contact details are kept up to date so we can contact you.
You will receive a link to an NSTT web page outlining the procedure upon contact. A form on this page will allow you to submit all your documents. Please keep this link safe to access it when ready to submit.
The documents we require are:
- Supervision Record: This must verify the provision of your supervision over the previous five years. All supervision should be signed off by your supervisor(s)/peer supporter(s). A statement from your current supervisor(s)/peer supporter(s) verifying the amount of contracted supervision carried out should also be provided, along with their name and qualifications.
- Clinical Record: We require documentation overviewing your clinical hours over the last five years.
- CPD: You must provide details of CPD over the previous five years, a minimum requirement of 250 hours over five years, normally with a minimum of 20 hours in any year. You must provide details of all CPD undertaken and documentary evidence of at least 50 hours.
- Professional Indemnity Insurance: You must submit evidence of your current indemnity insurance, which must be adequate for your work.
- Practice Development: For this section, you will need to:
- Attend a specific supervision session with your usual supervisor/s or a senior member of a peer support group to discuss your development over the last five years. The length and format of this can be determined between you and your supervisor/s.
- Write a reflective statement based on this session to demonstrate how your practice has developed over the past five years, which must be signed by your supervisor/s.
- Provide a written statement from your supervisor/s reporting on this session and commenting on your development.
- Your supervision, your reflective statement and your supervisors must reflect:
- Your personal development needs and interests.
- How your practice and development reflect the Diversity and Equality Policy of UKCP.
- Your reflective statement needs to demonstrate your reflexive awareness as a practitioner.
What happens once your documents are submitted?
- Upon submission of your form, you will be contacted by our membership secretary to confirm receipt.
- Your documents will then be passed to our re-accreditation assessors for review.
- As your OM, we will report to UKCP whether you have successfully completed the re-accreditation process.
If the assessor has concerns:
- Suppose there are any concerns regarding a member’s submission. In that case, the member will be contacted in the first instance and at the earliest opportunity with reasons for the concerns, and we will attempt at this stage to find an informal resolution.
- The member will receive the appeals procedure if a resolution cannot be found successfully.
- If, after the process, it is determined that the member does not meet the requirements for re-accreditation, we will provide a written report outlining the decision process and the reasons for making this decision.
- We will then report to UKCP that the member has not been successful in their re-accreditation process.
Members unsuccessful in their re-accreditation application have the right to appeal this decision to COOHP based on procedural error. The process is outlined below:
- If an applicant wishes to appeal against a decision on re-accreditation, they will need to do so in writing and within fourteen days of the decision.
- All appeals must be addressed to the College of Outcome-Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies Chair.
- If an appellant has difficulty with the written process, they will be offered a personal interview with a committee member.
- COOHP understands that there may be occasions when a face-to-face approach may be more facilitative to the appellant and will endeavour to make suitable arrangements at the earliest possible convenience.
Appeals procedure:
- Appeals will be considered by two members of the Committee, who will report to the Committee with their findings within 28 days of receipt of the appeal.
- The conflict-of-interest policy will be taken into consideration when selecting the members.
- The COOHP chair will inform the applicant of the Committee’s final decision.
Members not meeting requirements:
Where it has been established that requirements for re-accreditation have not been met, or if an application of re-accreditation is not received, the member’s accreditation status will be revoked.
The individual will be removed from the UKCP register.
Any subsequent application for registration must be made via an Organisational Member.