The National Society of Talking Therapies is the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy membership body and a trading name of The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Ltd. The NSTT exists to disseminate information, offer training and serve as a platform for talking therapists to share knowledge and expertise. In addition, we operate a searchable directory of those therapists who meet the criteria for associate and fellow membership. We also provide a re-accreditation service for our NCHP graduate UKCP registrants and a complaints process for complaints involving NCHP students and NCHP trainees on the UKCP pathway.
NSTT Membership Categories
There are three levels of membership in the NSTT:
- Student (for students of the NCHP only);
- Associate;
- Fellow (including recipients of the award of Honorary Fellowship).
Membership Level
Fees |
Pre-requisites |
Benefits |
Student |
Free |
Automatic for all students of The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy up until completion of Stage 2, at which point they are eligible for Associate Membership.
· Discounted rates on CPD and events; · Newsletter; · Blogging opportunities;
Associate |
£48 p.a. |
Available to: · Hypnotherapists and Hypno-psychotherapists who have completed Stages 2 or 3 of the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy training pathways. · Hypnotherapists with HPD (or equivalent) level qualification. · Practising talking therapists registered/accredited with one of the following professional bodies:
· Discounted rates on CPD and events; · Newsletter; · Blogging opportunities;
· Listing in our therapist directory; · Associate member Hypnotherapists may apply through us to register with CNHC.
Fellow |
£48 p.a. |
Available on an individual basis and a guide list of required prior registration/accrediting bodies are as follows: o UKCP o BPC o BPS (clinical or counselling psychologist) o ACP o BAAT
· Discounted rates on CPD and events; · Newsletter; · Blogging opportunities;
· Listing in our therapist directory; · For UKCP members who are graduates of the NCHP, a quinquennial UKCP re-accreditation service is included.
NSTT Membership Requirements
As detailed above, membership with the NSTT is subject to having attained minimum education and training standards. In addition, applicants and members seeking renewal must:
- Declare their professional suitability for the membership level that they are applying to or renewing;
- Submit copies of their qualification certification/s (applicants only);
- Submit evidence of their professional indemnity insurance providers and cover (applicants and members)*;
- Declare their fitness to practise and any outstanding complaints, disciplinary sanctions, or cautions imposed by any professional body or membership organisation responsible for regulating or licensing a health or social care profession (applicants and members)**;
- Provide annual details of their CPD activities as detailed below (applicants and members)***;
- Abide by the NSTT Code of Ethics and Clinical Practice (student members).
- Abide by the NSTT Code of Ethics and Clinical Practice and the requirements for continuing professional development as laid out in the NSTT CPD policy. In addition, abide by the ethics code and CPD policy of any existing professional organisations/bodies. Those who do not abide by these guidelines and policies may be subject to the NCHP/NSTT Regulatory Complaints Process and removal from the NSTT (Associate members).
- Abide by the NSTT Code of Ethics and Clinical Practice and the requirements for continuing professional development as laid out in the NSTT CPD policy. In addition, abide by the ethics code and CPD policy of any existing professional organisations/bodies. Those who do not abide by these guidelines and policies may be subject to the NCHP/NSTT Regulatory Complaints Process and removal from the NSTT (Fellow and Honorary Fellow members).
* Indemnity Insurance
In line with clause 38 of the NSTT code of ethics and clinical practice policy, which states:
“Ensure adequate indemnity cover for their professional work by appropriate personal indemnity insurance or under an employer’s indemnity insurance in contracted circumstances.”
At first registration and annual renewal, applicants and members must provide evidence of adequate professional indemnity insurance appropriate to their clinical practice. If they cannot provide such evidence, they may not be admitted for membership or may be subject to the NCHP/NSTT Regulatory Complaints Process and removal from the NSTT.
**Declaration of Criminal Records and Complaints
In addition to complying with clause 39 of the NSTT Code of Ethics and Clinical Practice policy which states:
“Co-operate with any lawful investigation or inquiry relating to therapeutic practice. Inform NCHP and NSTT if they are:
- Charged with a criminal offence.
- Convicted of a criminal offence.
- Receive a conditional discharge for a criminal offence.
- Accept a police caution.
- Disciplined by any professional body or membership organisation responsible for regulating or licensing a health or social care profession.
- Suspended or placed under a practice restriction by an employer or similar organisation because of concerns relating to their competence, health or practice of therapy.
- Are refused insurance in any related professional capacity.”
At first registration and annual renewal, applicants and members must declare any professional complaints against them and update the NSTT on any changes to or outcomes of any existing complaints without delay.
***Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
For student members of NSTT and those in current psychotherapeutic training, CPD requirements are covered by continued training.
For Associate and Fellow members, please review the NSTT continuing professional development policy for requirements.
Annual Membership Renewal Process
NSTT conducts an annual membership renewal process in April each year. Members will be contacted during the previous month by the membership secretary with a reminder to give them time to collect the required information. At the annual renewal, all members must:
- Pay their annual membership fees;
- Declare annual CPD activity in line with the NSTT CPD policy;
- Submit evidence of their current professional indemnity insurance;
- Declare any criminal record and professional complaints against them under ** above.
Should any information be missing or deemed unacceptable, members will be informed with recommendations and allowed to make amendments before the close of the renewal window (one month).
Removal from the NSTT
NSTT members must comply with the NSTT Code of Ethics and Clinical Practice and this policy and procedure. Failure to do so, ommissions or false declarations may be subject to the NCHP/NSTT Regulatory Complaints Process and removal from the NSTT.
In the event of a finding by an NCHP/NSTT complaints panel requiring the removal of a member from the NSTT, then the NSTT will inform the CNHC, the UKCP (if the member is registered with either or both) and any other relevant professional organisations to which the member belongs in writing of the finding and removal.